Finding Socks To Meet Your Diabetic Needs

Diabetes is a chronic illness, and this illness is one that will affect various other parts of the body. Some complications associated with diabetes do affect the feet, and one of the most common is neuropathy or nerve damage. Due to their high blood sugar levels, those with diabetes are more at risk for nerve damage than the rest of the population, and this is one condition that commonly manifests itself in the feet. When nerve damage is allowed to grow more severe, this can lead to complete numbness, infections, and even amputation, which is why it’s important to find socks that can meet your diabetic needs.

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Copper Socks and The Benefits to Your Health (Explained)

Copper socks have become increasingly popular due to their numerous health and comfort benefits. These socks have been proven to boost circulation, improve skin health, minimize inflammation, prevent bacterial and fungal-based foot infections, and eliminate rancid foot odor. But what exactly are copper socks, and how do they work? Let’s dive in. View full article →

A Breakdown Of TransDRY Technology

TransDRY technology is a form of moisture management that turns cotton socks into a super moisture wicking and perspiration managing treat for your feet. Using this type of technology, you can reap the comfort benefits of pure cotton, but without the “too much warmth” factor that cotton often presents.

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Learning The Dangers Of MRSA And Your Feet

MRSA has made some big headlines in the news lately, and many wonder how they can avoid contracting MRSA themselves. MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureaus, and this type of bacterial strain is one that is resistant to antibiotics, making it particularly dangerous for those who wind up contracting it. These drug resistant staph infections will often require surgical and serious medical interventions, and they can recur time and time again after the first experience with them. 

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Getting To Know Pro-Tect Socks

Pro-Tect Socks were originally created and designed for the difficult needs of those in the United States military and law enforcement, but now we create socks for every type of need. View full article →
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