The Importance Of The Right Diabetic Socks

Today, there has been an incredible new focus from the population towards living better and healthier. Taking hold of your health matters, and for those with diabetes it’s even more important. Diabetes can lead to significant issues with your health, and one of the common ways it impacts your life is in your feet. The circulation issues and other problems that diabetes can cause means that you need to have good diabetic socks if you want to keep your feet in the best shape possible. View full article →

Technical Socks Are The Foundation For Better Sports Performance

When it comes to sports performance, athletes pay attention to a lot of different things. Training, mental preparation, diet, and even their shoes are all things that they consider carefully. But what about your socks? They’re often overlooked by those who are focused on better sports performance, but the reality is that today’s technical socks can offer improved performance in a big way. View full article →

How Do Socks Fight Foot Problems?

Most people today know how important their feet are to their entire life. After all, your feet are the foundation that supports you throughout each day. And when issues arise related to your feet, it can be difficult to manage.

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Fighting Smelly Feet Starts With Your Footwear

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from smelly feet, you already know that it can be an embarrassing and unpleasant problem. After all, you’ll be dealing with the odor and so will those around you. In some cases, people don’t even want to remove their shoes around others – it’s just that bad. View full article →

Why The Right Socks Matter

Today’s socks have come a long way compared to those of just a few years ago. Things like moisture wicking materials, copper oxide, and more have all lead to the creation of antibacterial socks that have a huge impact on your life in more ways than you might realize.

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Do You Know What Modern Socks Can Really Do?

For years, socks have been little more than a foot covering to add warmth, protection, and maybe a little style to your life. But today’s socks can be much more, and taking a closer look at the best copper socks could help you see just why so many people are starting to pay more attention to what modern socks can do for them and their life.

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Your Socks Are Your First Line Of Defense

One of the things that many people forget when it comes to the 20th century and the history of warfare was the way many of the soldiers found out—the hard way—some of the basic health lessons we take for granted in the 21st century. For example, many people wouldn’t think about it twice now, but the brave soldiers of both WWI and WWII placed an enormous amount of value on the humble sock. View full article →

Why Wear Over The Calf Socks?

One thing that is definitely not in mainstream fashion today for most men is wearing what is called an over the calf sock. In some circles, this may even be considered a more old fashioned style of sock, better suited to the 19th century Victorian era. View full article →

What Is A Smooth Toe Sock?

These days, there are a lot of different terms and names to keep straight with socks. Health conscious people may want copper oxide socks, while the fashion conscious will look for “No Show” socks. And then there’s the “Smooth Toe” sock, which, upon first reading, doesn’t seem very descriptive at all. How is a toe smooth? How does that work in a sock? View full article →

Try Toe Warmers This Winter

When it comes to winter activity, a good pair of warm socks is the unsung hero of a comfortable, healthy winter experience. Something like our Pro-Tect Merino wool socks for example, provide an extremely high level of comfort and warmth for your feet, which is critical because the feet—just like the hands and head—are vulnerable parts of the body where much of our body heat can be lost. View full article →
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