Why Do We Get Smelly Feet?

One of the things that most of us have had to confront at some point our lives is that we, or someone that is far too close to us at the time, get a case of smelly feet. It’s never too difficult to identify; what seemed like clear, clean, breathable air moment gets a ripe, full odor the moment shoes come off. View full article →

Socks Can Help With Heel Pain

It’s not something that many people realize, but when you experience pain your feet, there can be many different causes for it other than simply walking around too much for the day. Plantar Fasciitis, for example, is a condition that can affect some people in their heels, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. But fortunately, there may be help for this kind condition. View full article →

Socks Matter Even When You Don’t Walk

For most people, the time to start thinking about getting serious about socks is when you get serious about athletics. After all, extra physical exertion is usually what requires extra precautions. You don’t get a blister by sitting down at a desk, so why would you need better clothing to protect against it then? View full article →

Should You Wear A Liner Sock?

There are few things that are quite as satisfying but at the same time physically demanding as a lengthy, outdoor hike. You’re out in the wilderness, away from smooth sidewalks, manicured garden paths, and the other features of urban life that we all take for granted that making walking such an easy activity. View full article →

Diabetes Means You Need To Watch Your Feet

Diabetes, sadly, is not an incredibly rare condition that only affects a tiny percentage of the human population. It’s a very real disease that has afflicted many people of different age ranges. And while the initial illness itself, that being a high level of blood sugar, doesn’t seem all that serious, there are many complications arising from this that can have a serious impact on your health. View full article →

Warm Feet Are For More Than Comfort

Your feet are an important part of your daily life. They take you everywhere you need to go, whether that’s a walk in the park with your family, or as part of a rigorous exercise routine that is designed to keep you healthy. It’s important to take care of your feet, as many people find out when they contract a blister or some other sore and realize just how much of an impact that foot discomfort has on their daily life. View full article →

Top Properties To Look For In Cross Training Socks

Cross training has become a phenomenon, and one of the best ways to hone your body in a big way. While your own physical fitness is the key component to success, there’s no question that the right gear can help you reach your goals more effectively. Things like your training shoes are important, but have you given your cross training socks the consideration that they deserve? View full article →

Summertime Means You Need To Focus On Foot Health

Summertime is here, and as the weather heats up and the sunshine takes over, that means a lot of things. From vacations to sports to just hanging out at home, there are plenty of summertime activities that are on the horizon for most of us. View full article →

Understanding And Fighting Smelly Feet

Foot odor is something that nobody wants to deal with. Not only can it be unpleasant for you, but it can also be embarrassing when you’re around others. Smelly feet are incredibly common, however, and understanding what causes them is the first step to overcoming the issue completely. View full article →

A Closer Look At Dry Feet

Your feet get a lot of punishment, and every day you put them through a tremendous amount of work. As such, it’s very common for feet to get moist or even wet as you go through your activities. There are two primary things that can lead to wet, damp feet: sweat, and the weather. View full article →
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