The Reasons You May Be Coming Down With Athlete’s Foot

The Reasons You May Be Coming Down With Athlete’s Foot

There are two ways you may be coming down with athlete’s foot, and one way is typically more common than the other. Athlete’s foot is an uncomfortable condition plaguing those around the globe, and while athlete may be in the title, it’s not an infection limited to only those who prioritize their physical state.


The first way one may find themselves with an athlete’s foot infection is the less common way, and this is by picking up the fungus from another individual. Gym room floors, showers, towels, and other surfaces where one may walk in bare feet can allow an athlete’s foot infection to spread, and the only way to prepare is to opt for walking through communal areas with flip flops, shoes, or similar protective footwear. However, there is another way to break the chain, and this is covered by taking care of the more common cause.

The Reasons You May Be Coming Down With Athlete’s Foot 

The most common cause of athlete’s foot is a warm, humid, and moist environment for your feet, as this is the type of environment the fungus causing athlete’s foot requires to thrive. To combat this common way of contracting athlete’s foot, you’ll need to look towards your socks, and there is a good chance your socks aren’t equipped to take care of athlete’s foot in the proper way. The best thing you can do for yourself in avoiding an athlete’s foot infection is to choose a pair of socks that are able to wick moisture away, preferably made of cotton, and keep feet dry as you go about your favorite sport or activity, or a typical workday.


If you want your anti-athlete’s foot socks to have an extra edge, Copper Oxide is well known to combat the fungus that causes athlete’s foot, and the addition of this material in the fabric woven into socks can provide you with an extra layer of protection. Copper oxide is a safe material that won’t cause the socks to grow uncomfortable or weak, but it will give you that extra boost you need against contracting a fungal infection yourself.


Athlete’s foot can affect people of all ages, and those who are on their feet all day at work are just as susceptible to athletes, or the average teenager. When it comes to athlete’s foot infections prevention is always best, and the best way to look towards prevention is to look towards your feet and how you’re doing your part in protection!

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