Your feet get a lot of punishment, and every day you put them through a tremendous amount of work. As such, it’s very common for feet to get moist or even wet as you go through your activities. There are two primary things that can lead to wet, damp feet: sweat, and the weather.
But do you understand just why keeping your feet dry is so important, or how to go about doing so? If not, it’s time to take a closer look at this subject and what it means to you.
Damp feet create a major issue beyond just mild discomfort – they promote the growth of bacteria and fungi. These microbes love moisture, and also darkness. When your feet are damp and tucked into your shoes, it becomes the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. These bacteria can lead to a couple of big issues, most notably:
So what can you do to reduce moisture levels and keep feet dry? The answer for most will be simpler than you think – good socks. Moisture wicking socks are designed to help draw moisture away from your feet and to the exterior of the sock. In doing so, it creates a drier skin surface that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi and can help reduce the risk of infection and keep your feet smelling much better.
Avoiding puddles and other similar issues can help as well, but since most moisture that triggers these issues is directly from sweat, it makes a lot of sense to invest in some moisture wicking socks and experience what they can do for yourself. It may surprise you.