Pro-Tect Socks were originally created and designed for the difficult needs of those in the United States military and law enforcement, but now we create socks for every type of need. While those who go hard on their feet, through work or play, find that our socks are the most beneficial, they’re actually created for use by anyone, and anyone can reap their benefits. Whether you plan to wear your Pro-Tect socks through a rigorous day on the job, playing a favorite sport, hiking on picturesque trails, or lounging about on a weekend, there is no wrong way to benefit.
The Pro-Tect sock advantage is comprised of several different elements. Some of the benefits of Pro-Tect we’re most proud of are:
1. Helps keep feet healthy – With our Pro-Tect technology, our socks can help to keep fungi, bacteria, and germs from spreading on the feet, which helps you to keep your feet comfortable, clean, and healthy.
2. Promotes skin growth – Your skin is an organ that is constantly regenerating, and our Pro-Tect Socks keep that regeneration going. How you benefit is from fresher, younger, and healthier looking feet.
3. Keeps blisters at bay – Blisters are pretty universally uncomfortable, sometimes downright painful, and in some other instances, dangerous. The technology that goes into our socks helps to keep blisters from happening, so this is a worry that can be a thing of the past.
4. Moisture wicking – Moisture can lead to quite a few different foot problems, and our Trans-Dry technology, which goes into all the socks we create, help to keep moisture safely wicked away.
5. Don’t wash out – With many socks, the benefits have a “wash life”, which means they wash out after so many uses. Our socks are made to withstand the tests of time, and this means that your benefits are safe throughout each and every wash.
At Pro-Tect, we have a sock for every need, so no matter your requirement for your daily socks, we have you covered. From blisters, to moisture, to those who require diabetic socks, we feel there is no situation where you should have to go without the comfort and protection socks are able to provide. Whether you’re going out and making something extraordinary out of your day, or you’re tackling that “honey-do list” on a relaxed Sunday afternoon, we have a sock for that!