Learning The Dangers Of MRSA And Your Feet

MRSA has made some big headlines in the news lately, and many wonder how they can avoid contracting MRSA themselves. MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureaus, and this type of bacterial strain is one that is resistant to antibiotics, making it particularly dangerous for those who wind up contracting it. These drug resistant staph infections will often require surgical and serious medical interventions, and they can recur time and time again after the first experience with them.


According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, research has shown that more and more Americans each year are contracting these MRSA infections through cuts and cracks in the skin of their feet, such cracks which are experienced when one comes down with athlete’s foot. What this means is that athlete’s foot isn’t only uncomfortable, it can be dangerous and increase your risk of contracting a MRSA infection, and the right socks can mean the difference between lessening your risk and increasing it.

Learning The Dangers Of MRSA And Your Feet

A person will come down with athlete’s foot if their feet are left moist and without ventilation for prolonged periods of time, so if you’re on your feet often and your socks don’t allow for proper air flow, you could be putting yourself at risk for an athlete’s foot infection as well as a higher risk of contracting MRSA. The best thing a person can do to avoid a MRSA infection resulting from cracked skin due to athlete’s foot is make sure their socks have the proper ventilation needed to prevent athlete’s foot altogether. Should socks become moist and subsequently poorly ventilated, it’s also never a bad idea to bring a spare pair to change in to if need be.


The tinea pedis fungal infection that is athlete’s foot isn’t too dangerous on its own, but the cracks and blisters caused by this fungus can leave you susceptible to contracting a MRSA infection should your feet come into contact with MRSA bacteria. As the bacteria enters the skin, you’re left in a position where you’ll need serious and immediate medical treatment, but the best way to prevent this is to keep your feet protected from athlete’s foot fungus altogether. With the right socks, you can keep yourself protected, and these can be your number one tool to avoiding athlete’s foot and an increased MRSA risk!