Giving Your Feet A Day Off With The Right Socks

We all work hard every day, and when you’re plugging along in your job, you probably don’t take the time to stop and think about your feet. It’s important to remember that when we work, our feet work several times harder, as they’re tasked with carrying us along every step of the way. When you come home after a long day, and kick off your shoes, you may only then realize just what you’ve put your feet through, but this is something that is often forgotten as quickly as the next morning’s daily grind.

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Blisters And The Risk Of Infection

Blisters are a pain, and there is no one on this earth who will contest this fact. What many think, however, is that blisters are an inevitability, and this is certainly not the case. Several factors can lead to the formation of a blister, and while they’re often thought of as something of an annoyance, but generally no big deal, this is actually pretty far from the truth.

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What Do I Want Out Of Running Socks?

When you run, your focus should be placed on your foot movement, your breathing, your legs, your heart rate, and your goal…not your socks or the comfort of your feet. The socks you choose to run in are just as important as your running shoes, and a pair of running shoes you may have written off as uncomfortable, blister inducing, and not breathable could actually be perfectly fine, while your socks could use an upgrade.

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Why Do I Want Copper Oxide In Your Socks?

Copper is something you may want in your home’s pipes, in decorations, or in tools, but why would you want it in your socks? Copper oxide isn’t quite straight copper, and it provides quite a few benefits when it is spun into fabrics and kept against the skin. View full article →

Socks To Combat Foot Odor

Foot odor stinks, and not only does it stink, but it can be downright embarrassing. If you’re on your feet all day and you’re not combating foot odor, you could be offending those around you as you really do a number on your shoes. Foot odor’s root cause is foot sweat, and if you want to combat foot odor, you’ll have to combat the excess moisture that causes it. When it comes to foot odor, the best weapon you have against it is your socks, so how are your socks benefitting you in keeping your foot odor at bay? 

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The Connection Between Sweat And Blisters

Blisters are painful, and in some instances, they can also be dangerous as well. A blister is caused by excess rubbing, and the weaker your skin becomes, the more likely you are to suffer from a blister on your feet. When a blister opens, it can remain tender and painful for up to a week, and the open portion of skin will easily trap in dirt and leave you susceptible to infection. View full article →

Socks To Protect You During Cross Training

Cross training and cross fit are two of the hottest fitness trends around right now, and if you want to make the most of your workout, you’ll have to make sure you’re equipped with the proper attire. Just like how running gear can help you to achieve your best distances and times, cross training gear can help you to lift more, work harder, and see better results, and it’s important to remember the feet you’re tasking with taking you there. View full article →

How Do You Get Athlete’s Foot?

If you’ve never had athlete’s foot, you can consider yourself lucky! Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the feet that affects millions of people each year, and it always seems to pop up when you least expect it. The fungal infection of athlete’s foot is one that will eat away at the layers of skin on your feet, leaving behind a burning, itching, and peeling surface of skin damaged by the toll the fungus takes. There are several ways a person may get athlete’s foot, but we want to focus on the top two. View full article →

Tough Protection To Meet Your Workout Style

In order to feel good when you work out, you’ll want to look good when you work out, and that means your sock style has to be on point as well. From running, to cross training, to playing your favorite sport, your socks should be able to keep with your fitness fashion sense while also keeping you protected from all the dangers your favorite activities pose to your feet. View full article →

How The Pro-Tect Advantage Can Work For You

When you’re on your feet all day, or you work hard for the short bursts of time you are on your feet, you could be doing your feet a whole lot of harm you’re not realizing. Sweat, odor, blistering, and fungus can plague you rather quickly as you’re working, playing, or getting your fitness on, and without the right socks, these problems can lead to much greater ones down the road. View full article →
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